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Discover what the processes, techniques and tools of the ALUNA® structure allow us to do


Carry out social and environmental impact assessments, beyond licensing commitments or environmental permits. The perspective of the analysis allows to delve into complex impacts to identify under the normative parameters of each country and carry out a cumulative contextualization of these in cultural, economic, social or human rights issues. This includes visualizing issues associated with the social, environmental, cultural, and economic context, being a fundamental input for risk analysis and its causality.


Build stakeholder maps, establish relationship quality with a proprietary indicator, and develop strategies based on risks and impacts (including human rights), adding materiality to this analysis, which integrates the company's perspective on issues relevant to all parties.


Assess the levels of exposure to risk according to impacts, context, sociopolitical situation, position of the actors and quality of the relationship, and build management plans that allow rigorous monitoring, based on prevention. Risk analysis can be represented in monetization models, both retrospectively and prospectively, and with a view from inherent risk to residual risk. We are experts in evaluating and designing management strategies for risks that have consequences for human rights.

Build baselines and initialize indicators that "speak" of the local, regional or national context, that allow comparative analysis and facilitate the harmonization of interventions, allowing decisions to be made based on traceable evidence. This analysis includes the modeling of the situation in human rights and SDGs.

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Measure the reputation of organizations in terms of sustainability, through a new indicator created by Aluna and based on global reputation measurement standards, which supports the ASG criteria on this topic.


Design and execute social investment portfolios, built under the best practices of project management and formulated so that the participating actors are involved in the definitions, processes, indicators and goals. This portfolio is established to be relevant to the impacts, risks and needs, expectations and interests of the various internal and external audiences.

Measure the perception of interest groups, with an index created by ALUNA®.

Measure the impact of social investment and management processes, according to the information and data in baselines and processes and management goals of time, scope, budget and compliance with standards (including human rights)

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Design communication strategies and accountability, according to the depth, scope, periodicity, format or scenario where communication must take place, maintaining a correlation with the relationship strategies and the objectives set forth in them.


Ensure compliance with international standards of social and environmental performance, ESG criteria and human rights standards.


Facilitate strategic sustainability planning processes, building the appropriate route to the organizational characteristics, the context of the business, its environment and the framework of respect for human rights.


Measure the return of social investment to the business, establishing what works and what does not work, where there is waste of social investment and where there is value created from social investment, adding monetization.


Through our allies, generate comprehensive WATER management projects, with a community perspective and seeking restoration of strategic water ecosystems.

Take all our analyzes to a structured data analysis, with a rigorous process of data custody, assertiveness, methodologies for gathering, processing and final representation of the information.

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